

The first editing role I had while working at the Eye, was as Eyesight Editor. That means I was incharge of curating and editing short-form, personal and observational essays. They aimed to showcase the small parts of life as a student on Columbia’s campus, finding the interesting in the mundane.

While on staff at the eye I wrote a good selection of Eyesights of my own.

Read about

  • The [Scholar Lion] (https://www.columbiaspectator.com/the-eye/2018/12/07/the-pet-lion/)
  • [Slader] (https://www.columbiaspectator.com/the-eye/2019/11/21/c-u-slader/)
  • Waiting for the [bus] (https://www.columbiaspectator.com/the-eye/2019/04/09/a-bench-at-the-corner-of-8th-and-42nd/)
  • Leaving campus because of COVID-19.